
Street Listings with Photo have been FREE since 2001 & always will be!

Offering digital promotions, video production, SEO, Ai, social media and web design in Huddersfield

Our Mission:

"Most of the things you want to buy need to be touched, heard, tasted, fitted or smelt, as well as seen.

That's why we use the internet to show our viewers where they can purchase the goods or products they need within a short distance from their computer or phone."

Simon Flatley MD

  • On the web since 2001 We are the largest independent promotion site in Huddersfield and our loyal clients value our product and the service they receive.
  • Passionate about Huddersfield We only promote Huddersfield businesses to Kirklees residents and visitors. The site is updated daily and content relevant, guaranteeing our viewers' loyalty.
  • Established Viewers Huddersfield businesses can enjoy our established targeted audience which we've worked hard to grow and maintain via our own promotion initiatives and unique content.
  • Unique Content
    • With around 2000 photographs & related information about Huddersfield businesses  - updated daily
    • Live Huddersfield, Colne Valley and Holmfirth webcam views - completely unique attracting great viewing figures
    • Latest Events - Top of search engines, always up to date
    • What's New - The latest news on new businesses and shops in Huddersfield Town Centre & surrounding villages.

    There's always something new & unique for our viewers' to come back for.

    Street Listings with Photo have been FREE since 2001 & always will be!

  • Google Rankings We're easy to find, type 'Huddersfield Shops', "Huddersfield Vacant Shops" and 'Huddersfield Events' into Google and we're on the first page! We work hard and are successful at improving our clients' rankings, putting potential customers directly in touch them.
  • Customer Service We give each of our clients individual care and attention to ensure we exceed their expectations by offering them "tailor made" promotion for their business & a great return on investment.
  • Promoting you Because of our longstanding service and passion for Huddersfield we have strong business links and networks which means that we strive to know every aspect of Huddersfield Business.

Our Promotion Packages:

Packages vary depending on your budget and needs but can include

  • A one page to multipage website
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Sponsorship or listing in specific pages or events within our website
  • Rotation on our homepage
  • Inclusion in our Socail Media Posts
  • Short web video, with hosting and targetted local promotion.
  • Link to your own website under your business photo/info on our 'virtual streets'
  • Inclusion in our Find index
  • 'Virtual posters' around our virtual Huddersfield streets linking back to your details
  • Street Listings with Photo have been FREE since 2001 & always will be!


Related links:

About Us

Video Production
Find out more about how a web video can help your business

Web Design Services
Websites that work for you

Press/Promotion Gallery
Find out how we promote Virtual Huddersfield to your potential customer base


Kingsgate Shopping Centre, Huddersfield
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